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Just to clarify some things, to help find the cause / debug:
- what kind of little update do you mean? There was test patch 0.7E12 released recently, is that it?
- did you have version 0.7E installed before, on top of which you installed 0.7E12 test patch? If not, what version were you on (last time it worked), and what version are you currently on (without sound)? Check version at the bottom of main menu.
S3 licensed
all hope is lost then Frown
S3 licensed
Same story there, turned out it was the "antivirus" messing with DirectInput.
S3 licensed
Hmm, I definitely remember it showing this exact server (Tütüncüler Garaj) with correct letters before (also, if I remember correctly, it had a red-white coloring). Has the name of the server changed recently?
S3 licensed
You might want to have a look at this brief step-by-step tutorial as well:
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S3 licensed
Try setting the "Battery saver" setting for this app to "No restriction" (on MIUI). You can do this in "App info" (long-press on app icon - App info, or Settings -> Apps -> LFS Stats), but it can be called some other way as well. The phone usually kills off background activities like this one, and if it does, you will not get notifications. This was the case on my phone, this setting fixed it.
S3 licensed
Update 0.8.4
Fixed a crash, with a minor visual improvement to Friends list.

New version can be downloaded in the attachments of original post.

Please try it out, and as always, if there are any crashes, please post feedback here. I hope you enjoy the update and the app overall.


0.8.4 | 06/05/2024

- "Friends" page no longer shows "User offline" below player name (on/offline status is depicted on the right anyways), instead it shows "Last seen: never" or the last seen time.
- FIX: crashed on newer Android versions (12+), crash introduced in 0.8.3

S3 licensed
Quote :The notification came when I entered the application.

Yes, if the app was force-closed (so it no longer runs in background), the checks and notification only come alive when you actually launch the app for the first time.
Quote :You were not online when I entered the application. When I clicked on the notification, I saw that it was active. (in friends list)

Yes, that is the confusing bit, which I described in my previous post. It sometimes does not update the "Friends" page when you are looking at it. Open sidebar menu, and click on Friends (even though you are on that page currently), it should update the list. Needs to be reworked.
Quote :Do I get notifications when the app is open in the background? Or do notifications come even if it is turned off (removed from the background)?

You should get notifications, when the app is kept in background. When you force-close ("remove from background") the app, I'm not sure you get notifications, I have not tested that specifically. I suspect that way it will not send notifications. Although I know many phone users tend to force-close all apps in the background, if you definitely want to get notifications on friends coming online in LFS, I recommend you to not force-close the app (it should not do anything besides the check for friends every 15 minutes, so it should not slow down phone at all).
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Okay, I joined a server right now, at :34. I will stay on the server. So, my status should be updated before :49 at latest on your phone. Check the Friends list at :50, or if you get a notification then its definitely working.

(Notification: make sure that in Settings you have Notifications turned on AND the tick next to Friend activity is turned on too!)
S3 licensed
Thanks for confirming that crashes stopped for now, that's great to hear.

The logic behind the automatic updates of friend statuses and when that happens is a bit confusing and definitely needs some rework. For now, here are some facts which might help keeping the friends statuses up to date:
- currently, the status will never be real-time, do not expect it to be (so if you join a server, the status will only update when the next check runs in the background). If you joined a server for a little bit (for like 20 seconds), and during that 20 seconds the app did not do any background checks for statuses, you will not see a correct "last seen" time, it will just show the previous time or stay "never".
- the background task in Android can only happen every 15 minutes, but it should happen every 15 minutes
- the background task is only scheduled to happen if you opened the app at least once since phone boot, and it did not crash, you just exited it normally to use other apps on your phone. This way, it keeps the friends updates running in the background, every 15 minutes.
- the "last seen" time will always show the last time when the check successfully happened and the player status changed from online to offline on that check.
- the friends list can be forced to update by force-closing the app, launching it again, waiting a bit (while it goes through all players, retrieves and updates statuses). You will not see it change real-time, but once it completed, if you select Friends page on the side menu it should be updated, with a very recent time at the bottom.

I fully agree that a refresh button would be great for the Friends page, so you can just click and force it to update. For now, I hope the automatic updates of friends statuses still happens in the background from time to time (I spent some time testing this on my device today, and it did update every 15 minutes. I joined and stayed on a server for 15 minutes and even the notification came to my phone that I'm online in LFS. Later, I left, waited another 15 minutes, so a background check definitely happens, and when I checked in the app I was offline).
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed

Could you please try the version attached to this post (0.8.4-fortesting), to see if it still crashes? There were some behaviour changes in newer Android versions which I was not aware of and against which I was not testing properly. Let me know if you still have any crashes (with error messages).
S3 licensed
Thanks for the error messages, I'll have a look. Friends update might stop happening in background after the app crashed, until it is launched again, so we'll investigate that later, once it is no longer crashing on your side (Im on Android 12, have no crashes and friends list does update regularly).
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :The friends we add to the friends list never appear online. Also the app crashes on its own. This happens in the friends list.

- friends never appearing online: please make sure that if you are on mobile data, you enable the option in the in-app Settings to "Allow update over Mobile Data" in the background. Without that, it will never consume mobile data, meaning you will only see friends status update once on wifi.
Also, friends status update only happens every 15 minutes, and even then, to see the list update you sometimes have to open the friends list again (click "Friends" in side menu). At the bottom, there is a precise date/time when the last status update occured. This should update once you reload the Friends page, every 15 minutes at least. If it does not, you probably are on mobile data but the setting I mentioned was not enabled.
- crash: please describe how you can reproduce the crash (what you did, which buttons you pressed in order, if you had any friends added at that moment, on mobile data/wifi, Android version etc.), and if you get any weird looking error messages when the app crashes, include that here. Would be helpful.

Quote from RealistAdam :I would appreciate it if you add language support. I can do translations for Turkish language support as a volunteer.

Thanks for offering that. Language support is what I intend to do at some point.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Update 0.8.3
This small patch contains fixes and user experience improvements. Friends list got an upgrade by supporting sorting options, so you can now sort friends based on when they were last seen online (by the app) (feature suggested by RG^Nosle (cuni)). Online hosts list and Online Racer Stats no longer crashes. Hotlap charts got some quality-of-life improvements.

New version can be downloaded in the attachments of original post.

Please try it out, and as always, if there are any crashes, please post feedback here. I hope you enjoy the update and the app overall.


0.8.3 | 06/05/2024

"Friends" list:
- FEATURE: Sort friends list alphabetically/last seen online (suggested by RG^NOSLE (cuni))
"Online hosts":
- FIX: crashed due to unhandled cars info (since mod system)
- FIX: is now aware of Layout Square tracks
"Online Racer Stats":
- FIX: crashed when a racer had lots of driven distance
"Hotlap Charts":
- QOL: refresh happens automatically upon user changing combo (no need to swipe down)
- QOL: track/car combo selection now persists per environment

S3 licensed
I have no such issues on two computers, neither did I have on any of PCs I have used in the past 10 years. I suppose it must be something specific that your PC does not like for some reason.

Could you please describe the major components in your PC, briefly (CPU model, GPU model, PSU model/wattage)? Just to have a clue about performance. Also, could it be that your system partition (C: probably), and/or the one LFS is installed on, is full?
S3 licensed
Great! As for hands animation: the fixed position of the hands on wheel seem OK, but when repositioning the hand (in both directions), it crosses the wheel frame thrice. I'm not sure about limitation on number of keyframes in the Editor, but it would be great to include some more in between, to make it go around or in front of the wheel when repositioning.

When this is improved, I'm ready to increase my ratings too Smile
S3 licensed
LFSW name: MandulAA
In-game name: RG^Mandula
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Hungary
S3 licensed
Round 2 VOD:

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S3 licensed
MandulAA/Read and Understood
S3 licensed
To have the Viewer automatically refresh your skin when you change the .jpg file, enable "auto" next to the reload button.
S3 licensed
43/MandulAA/Dániel Balla/HUN/Race Green Autosports
S3 licensed
Quote from rayman95 :Can't dowload any replay

Right-click on the links - choose "Save link as..." or similar
S3 licensed
Session AND SERVER of Incident: Race
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day): Lap 2, MPR 6:39.35
Car(s) involved: 08, 43
Location of Incident: after T4
Brief Description of Incident: 08 leads 43 into wall by pushing sideways at 43's back, on the edge of track limits