Excellent, I'm simply amazed at the speed you code

Now take it easy but it would be very nice if Aonio could talk a little bit more with Airio on an admin base.

You replaced the race listing but what I miss are the ban and kick buttons. Now I know I can have those when I press N but that screen takes up quite a lot of space on my screen.

More important, LimAd's don't have those buttons at all.

So, it would be great if you can make tiny little buttons like S and K to quickly !se (spectate) and kick people with Aonio / Airio. Spectate? Yes, sometimes kicking is already a little bit too much punishment.

When in race (or even when spectating) its much easier to quickly hit such a button then to first check the accountname, type the command and name in chat screen and so on. Most of the time something bad already happened.

Also configurable with a setting in config file to switch those buttons on (or off) ofcourse. Not everybody have LimAd or admin rights on a server.

* btw you need to update your site.
http://www.airio.eu/Airio_DL.html <--- old 1.2.1 link there
Thanks for the ideas! Unfortunately there are several problems with the things you'd like.

First, LFS does not directly support the kind of communication between server and clients I'd need. There is an option to send partially hidden data to server (using /i text). But you'll see the sent info when listing through message history. And there's no direct way to send hidden messages from server (Airio) to clients (Aonio). I've already requested in InSim update suggestions something along these lines, but seeing devs priorities and generally the speed at which updates are available I'm afraid we'll have to wait for a long time.

Second, Aonio is a client-side tool, completely separate from Airio. You may use it on any server or even when hotlapping. And I'd like to keep it that way. Of course there can be certain cooperation with Airio, especially once some truly hidden insim messages are supported, but I think it will always be only of marginal importance.

Third, allowing client-side tools to use server commands causes certain vulnerabilities. The communication along the lines: "Can I kick?" "Yes, you can." "OK, so I kick this one." could be potentially misused. Well, of course there are ways to prevent hacking, but kicks/bans are really server matters and making them through clients seems weird to me. FULL Airio contains admin/limad ban/kick/act buttons e.g. in the !pl list.
I don't really understand what the difference is if someone types !se [username] or hitting a button doing the same thing. But if it is against your philosophy than I have peace with it.
I tried Aonio yesterday for a while and have some things to report.

First of all, if you have ever created a non-dedi server to play with some friends or to fool around or anything, you have to remove those passwords or add them to the Aonio file. It took me a while to find that info in this thread, so maybe you should point that out more clearly in the installation/usage instructions. I was rather bothered by Aonio not running at all with the TCP error message, when actually it was not a TCP error. Maybe you should fix that too, as that message is misleading both on the console and in the log file.

Second, when I connected to a server and finally launched Aonio, most of the panels were overriding info provided by the LFS OSD. It was a total mess having the racers' positions in the same place as connections list and racers positions by LFS. Ans also in the top-right corner the track and server info also goes in the same place as lap times by LFS. Also, if you use custom view, some panels get in the way of the virtual dashboard and other buttons/panels.

All in all, after a short while I had to quit Aonio because it looked awful. If I have time today I'll try to configure it a little to move/remove some panels, and to tweak LFS original OSD. I don't like removing LFS original panels -I guess it can be done, don't know where-, so maybe the default arrangement of Aonio panels after a fresh install should be different?
I get this error message in chat when I'm trying to start aonio: " InSim - UDP : no slots available "

What's wrong? :O
Quote from MaKaKaZo :I tried Aonio yesterday for a while and have some things to report.

First of all, if you have ever created a non-dedi server to play with some friends or to fool around or anything, you have to remove those passwords or add them to the Aonio file. It took me a while to find that info in this thread, so maybe you should point that out more clearly in the installation/usage instructions. I was rather bothered by Aonio not running at all with the TCP error message, when actually it was not a TCP error. Maybe you should fix that too, as that message is misleading both on the console and in the log file.

Second, when I connected to a server and finally launched Aonio, most of the panels were overriding info provided by the LFS OSD. It was a total mess having the racers' positions in the same place as connections list and racers positions by LFS. Ans also in the top-right corner the track and server info also goes in the same place as lap times by LFS. Also, if you use custom view, some panels get in the way of the virtual dashboard and other buttons/panels.

All in all, after a short while I had to quit Aonio because it looked awful. If I have time today I'll try to configure it a little to move/remove some panels, and to tweak LFS original OSD. I don't like removing LFS original panels -I guess it can be done, don't know where-, so maybe the default arrangement of Aonio panels after a fresh install should be different?

if it interests you, here are the settings i use:
Quote :
# -------------------------- Panel Setup -------------------------- #
# For "Show" and "Use" items type yes/no. For "X" and "Y" use values
# approx. from 0 to 185. To apply changes save file and restart the
# program e.g. by pressing R in the console.
# Show speed in miles per hour and/or distance in yards.
# Panel showing currently viewed driver (you, if you're in race)
# data, such as lap, position, penalties, stops, fuel, or speed.
# When fuel consumption per lap data are available, you can switch
# current fuel display from remaining percentage to laps.
# Panel showing info about the driver one place ahead incl. exact
# current time gap.
# Panel showing info about the driver one place behind incl. exact
# current time gap.
# Star spotter panel showing exact distance to cars around you in
# eight directions at once.
# Panel showing basic host/server info, such as server name, current
# number of connections and players.
# Panel showing all cars in surrounding area of 80x40 meters.
# Digital speed panel. For size use 3 to 20, for color use 0 (black)
# to 7 (white) and 8 (gray, no color) - LFS colors scheme.
# Complete list of cars in race with time differences and additional
# available info (car, stops, penaty).
# Split/sector times in current track/car combo and comparison to
# stored local best.
# Minimum and maximum speeds in sectors or defined track parts plus
# maximum engine rotations in sectors. (See below for config.)
# Coordinates of viewed car on LFS map plus current track node.
# -------------------- Additional Fuel Settings ------------------- #
# Special fuel panel showing both remaining percentage and laps.

wraps panels around the center mirror, and places host info at bottom center.
nothing obstructs your view, and no LFS panels are covered (except for a little bit of the results panel at race end).
@ MaKaKaZo It is not possible to have an ideal Aonio setup ready, because everyone uses different LFS settings. But you're right in the fact that the currently offered default config is too aggressive. I'll change it to some minimal version and people will have the option to turn on more panels and move them around if necessary. I'd suggest using Aonio drivers list though, it gives lots of otherwise unavailable info. Personally, I also love the radar, it gives very helpful overview, though it is not quite realistic as a device. I'll try to correct the wrong message... done for the next version. Considering the password hint, yes, I could add such a paragraph, one day...

@ hanshuijskes I'm not sure what is the cause, maybe the port is used by something else? See the above posts, there are some hints about zeroing certain data in cfg.txt file. That usually helps.
This tool seems great.

But it crashes too often.
aonio ver 1.2.3
log file says:
10.02.20 05:48:39 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Listener
10.02.20 05:48:39 MultiCar UDP data found...
10.02.20 05:48:40 MultiCar UDP data lost...
10.02.20 05:48:42 UDP packet read error...
10.02.20 05:48:42 AEGIO ERROR : System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
Subproceso anulado.
en System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.recv(IntPtr socketHandle, Byte* pinnedBuffer, Int32 len, SocketFlags socketFlags)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, SocketError& errorCode)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer)
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketReadUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:línea 351
10.02.20 05:48:42 AEGIO ERROR : System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
Subproceso anulado.
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketReadUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:línea 368
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.ListenUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimListener.cs:línea 243
10.02.20 05:48:42 Aonio disconnected from LFS
10.02.20 05:48:42 Closed connection...
10.02.20 05:48:42 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Sender
10.02.20 05:48:42 Leaving the main loop...
10.02.20 05:48:42 Writing data started...
10.02.20 05:48:42 Writing data finished...
10.02.20 05:48:42 Aonio finishing...

10.02.20 07:01:03 Closing connection...
10.02.20 07:01:03 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Listener
10.02.20 07:01:04 OutGauge UDP data lost...
10.02.20 07:01:04 MultiCar UDP data lost...
10.02.20 07:01:05 UDP packet read error...
10.02.20 07:01:05 AEGIO ERROR : System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
Subproceso anulado.
en System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.recv(IntPtr socketHandle, Byte* pinnedBuffer, Int32 len, SocketFlags socketFlags)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, SocketError& errorCode)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer)
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketReadUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:línea 351
10.02.20 07:01:05 AEGIO ERROR : System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
Subproceso anulado.
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketReadUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:línea 368
en LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.ListenUDP() en c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimListener.cs:línea 243
10.02.20 07:01:05 Aonio disconnected from LFS
10.02.20 07:01:05 Closed connection...
10.02.20 07:01:05 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Sender
10.02.20 07:01:06 Leaving the main loop...
10.02.20 07:01:06 Writing data started...
10.02.20 07:01:06 Writing data finished...
10.02.20 07:01:06 Aonio finishing...

Also, I noticed that the speed shown was too low... most of the time showing 0 kmh speed.
I think that my computer is capable of working this program and lfs simultaneously wo problems (quad)

I hope this info helps to solve the problem.

Quote from raftor :This tool seems great. But it crashes too often.
10.02.20 05:48:39 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Listener

The errors are not nice, surely, but are they important? From the log it seems to me you were stopping Aonio by pressing Q in the console. Or maybe by closing LFS. The application is stopping. True, the shutdown is not nice, with threads aborted instead of closed properly, but everything is being closed so it really has no significance. But I do not like it, when time allows I will try to update the Aegio library to have nice and clear shutdown. But I believe you have no troubles while Aonio runs under LFS? As for the speed display... Hmmm, weird...
Hi EQ.
Not really. I wasn't closinf LFS nor pressing q at the console.
It seems to have problems when the race restarts. I need to close the console and re-run the app each time the race restarts.
I'll make more tests to see some more symptoms of the speedmeter.

Don't know if it's related to this or not, but I've noticed the digital speedometer in Aonio is 1-2mph lower than what LFS reports when in a car with digital speedometer, i.e. FOX.
Quote from Cabby :Don't know if it's related to this or not, but I've noticed the digital speedometer in Aonio is 1-2mph lower than what LFS reports when in a car with digital speedometer, i.e. FOX.

maybe one is absolute speed, and the other is wheel speed (LFS)
Quote from Cabby :Don't know if it's related to this or not, but I've noticed the digital speedometer in Aonio is 1-2mph lower than what LFS reports when in a car with digital speedometer, i.e. FOX.

Exactly as Cabby says. The big number you see is real speed, while LFS gauges report speed at which tyres rotate. If you topple your car, gauges will show high speed, while real speed will be zero. Under normal circumstances the gauge speed is a few kmph higher than the real speed. Aonio digital speedo shows real speed. And please keep testing, if you see something strange report is welcome.
Gave UPD InSim - UDP: no slots available what i do?
See/try this, 2nd paragraph of my reply... I'm not sure it will help though...
Look at the picture of the error, please let the solution

Please help me!
Two questions:

1) What is the ClientPortUDP number in Aonio.cfg.txt file?

2) Are you running Aonio on the same PC where your LFS is running?
1- 59999

2-Yes , I open my server, then I type /Insim 29999 and open the aonio.
Please help meeeeeeee.
Download Aonio again using link in my signature. Overwrite former EXE and DLL files, there is one small change in the library, it may help. Let me know how it went.
I open the server and then Aoni and then Airio?
Aonio and Airio are 2 separate things. Airio is a server side app that you only use if you're running your own server. Aonio is client side for when you want to race on any server. Don't try to use them both for racing on other servers.
And how I Faso to open it on my server?
Uhm... Airio requires dedicated non-graphical LFS server (that means NOT the one you can create in LFS game, graphical one). You run such dedicated server (could be sometimes on your PC or at some provider) and connect Airio to this server. Aonio runs always locally on your PC and it connects to your LFS graphical client, the application you're using to actually race.
I do not know, I create the server in the game open the Airi, and Aoni of the error.
Is to solve this? please!

AONIO - Client-side LFS Tracer
(350 posts, started )