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S3 licensed
Ident-Racing,30,[DIH]Grilla,Scott Ling,UK
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Thanks, I can also make some good SC and RU skins if you would like.
S3 licensed
Real Name: Jonathon Provost
Age: 14
Has Microphone (Y/N)?: Y
Languages Spoken and Written: Enhlish
Can attend live races (Y/N): Y
Controller type: Wheel - G27
Experience (explain): Supervisor of Scuderia GP and Race organizer. Also have my own team. Allot of experience in race control for real racing. Assistant Clerk Of Course for some events at Oulton Park
Why and how you think you could help:I have a lot of experience in real world Race Control and Love Safety Car and Rescue Unit driving.
S3 licensed
I may come. Just don't want to get in people's way :S
S3 licensed
Our Feb 2012 Newsletter is now out HERE!
S3 licensed
Ident-Racing Skin Resubmitted.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :Rule V.1.c) (see opening post) is violated therefore the skins are not accepted.

Ok sorry it will be changed tomorrow
S3 licensed
Ident-Racing Team Skins
p.s. I don't know if you will accept it here but I have completed my PB time at BL1, Cheers
S3 licensed

Team Name: Ident-Racing
Number of Cars Entered (between 1 and 4, inclusive): 2
Car Numbers Requested (lowest to highest, separate by comma): 91, 97 (not confirmed)
Team Manager Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Required): Jonathon Provost, jonathon.provost
Team Vice Manager 1 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Optional):
Team Vice Manager 2 Real Name, LFSWorld UserName (Optional):
Drivers (one line per driver, unlimited amount of drivers):
Jonathon Provost, jonathon.provost, GBR
Lewis Polden, Poldy1603, GBR

I'm really sorry about this I have accidentally deleted my OP. Really sorry this is the up date.
Lewis changed number
S3 licensed
Thanks, These are 100 % perfect for what I need.
Just thought I would give something back and here is the BTCC one edited with caution, Red and green flags and easy to change fastest lap thing.
S3 licensed
But would be nice if it was implemented
S3 licensed
Ow beep sorry, i forgot to put stats.php on it. :S
how do I get the style for
I have got the css for the admin but not the main page

I think I have found the problem thanks to deko.
It isn't creating the index.html file no idea why
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Ok, I get a error message when I go to, is that the htacces file?? or how do i sort it
S3 licensed
I have read the info again and I cant find any explanation for the attached.
Please Help,
P.S. I can't access the tracker home.
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
Ident-Racing World
S3 licensed
I would like to announce Ident-Racing World.
We will be accepting articles from the community about mostly any motor sport related topic.
We will love to have some series have their own categories and we will let them submit articles about their series.
To submit a article please go to for more information.
We are very much still working on the site and we will hopefully have it all up and running by the end of the month.
Kind Regards,
Ident-Racing World Team
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
No need to be a ass about it just wona warn people. so that you can keep racing!!!
Warning please read!
S3 licensed
I just wanted to warn you that their have been allot of DDOS Attacks lately and 5 of my friends have had them.
Just a warning. 000webhost and hosting24 have been targeted.
I recommend backing up your data.
Kind Regards,
S3 licensed
ow ok thanks
S3 licensed
dose the altitude work? I tried it and nothing happens
S3 licensed
Well done guys watched about 13-14 hours of it well done. Thanks for the stream, Hope to be in it next year
Well done guys.
Gratz to My3id in both classes and to all
S3 licensed
First and Lastname: Jonathon Provost
LFSW Username: jonathon.provost
Team name: Ident-Racing
Team Tag: [IR]
Desired-Carnumber: 97
Date-of-Birth: 26th Oct 1997
Nationality: English
S3 licensed
Thanks for the report,
Can't wait for the release
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :This is the LFS we are expecting.

6 years since then and LFS has become less mentioned in the sim-racing world. Project C.A.R.S looks like a game changer.

I think that LFS is unique. I have never seen a sim that has the module ability like LFS. Like I haven't seen another sim that has a layout editor or insim's.
That's why I love it
S3 licensed
Would love to drive in this