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S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :I mean... I've been layoutting custom driver oriented tracks since 2016, and perhaps it is just my creativity and knowledge of track flow but I've rarely had to resort to stealing ideas from other irl existing tracks, unless I'm making... an irl track - but I still don't see the need to rip tracks directly off sims. that's just wrong.

This is yet to be published 😁 It will debut on this year's Layout Racing League...

And this as well...

Or this...

In short... not everyone has the institutional intuitive sense to poop out tracks. Only a few people I know can as well (shoutout to Michal... Rony... 9397... Niko and so forth). So if there WERE to be a track editor, it can't be made public domain for every user to use. It takes way more coordination and effort to craft (yes, craft, not simply make) a layout.

Still, I'll await the day LFS Track editor is a thing.... tons of tracks in the waiting...

Yeah I mean doing recreations of tracks like this (even in a native track editor) is fine (monaco is incredible work tbh). The thing that you see in other sims that allow mods is that they just rip the assets from other games. It's part of the reason why Scawen has the rules for car mods the way he does, as to try to avoid copyright infringement.

It's even funnier now becuase many tracks have gone through generations of being ripped from old games. Ripped from something like F1 Challenge to rFactor to AC to rF2. Just old inaccurate tracks dragged through time.
S3 licensed
Quote from versiu :Please tell me that u kidding because I will need to do facepalm otherwise...

It's 2024, not 1990. We have A LOT OF TOOLS

And beyond that people do scans arelady.

My local race track (Tor Białystok) was scanned, well photographed and made into Assetto Corsa. It's the case for many mod maps today...
Maybe it's a RIP from other game? Maybe Woliborz-Jodłownik stage in RBR is a RIP? xD

Just becuase a few good tracks are created from scratch doesn't mean the majority of tracks that end up in other games aren't copyright infringmenet from other sims.
S3 licensed
Quote from versiu :and spend a lot more time on making map? nope...

Yeah people might have to do more work than just ripping from other sims.
S3 licensed
Risk profile of an online casino probably justifies an enterprise level plan.

Although the core premise of CF being garbage isn't wrong either. They're the ones who stood strong being a service provider for a site dedicated to doxxing folks, primarily trans people.
S3 licensed
Against mostly becuase I doubt any tracks will be build from scratch, it'll be attempts to rip from other games (which is what most track mods in other games are).
S3 licensed
Quote from Crazy_Slides :wow.... The Vpn worked right away. Do you have any sorta explanation for to why that would work? Again I don't understand networking much at all so it doesn't make much sense to me as why this worked

Your ISP is blocking UDP packets between yourself and the LFS servers (potentially the whole internet).

A VPN works becuase it's now tunnelling those UDP packets over a TCP connection. Think about it like putting a letter in a box.

Your ISP is rejecting letters by themselves, but they are fine with boxes so they allow the box to make it to a nearby destination which then opens the box and forwards the letter to its final destination (LFS server).
S3 licensed
It seems like more and more ISPs are having issues with UDP packets. It's become a huge issue with iRacing where people from a single ISP can't seem to connect to the EU servers (hosted in AWS) due to UDP blockage. VPNs have been the only solution
S3 licensed
I was thinking NASCAR Tongue
S3 licensed
Would be pretty easy to take this same body and make the stock car version of this too

looks great!
S3 licensed
I don't think software rendering for DX/OGL/Vulkan is a thing these days
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :Twitch subscription fee is very cheap in Turkey. In dollar terms, a subscription fee is currently $1.33. Before the increases, this cost was 0.31 cents.

That's not that bad at least. I just saw the update and saw the number get quite a bit bigger and it looked bad.
S3 licensed
Quote from Latvian Video :How do the players die?

Just remember that when you die in Live For Speed you also die in real life
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :I wish Turkish players understood this. Of course, the price for this game is too high right now. Such racing games on different platforms are much cheaper. But the best part of this game is its physics. That's why it makes itself indispensable.

I feel bad for some of the currencies out there. Looking at Twitch's subscription updates and seeing them raise the cost by 10x of the "old" currency value is wild
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Modern racing digital dashboards have changed a lot, and they contain a lot of different information.

It would be great if the texture on the digital dashboard had data on the best\last\ lap time, sector time, time to the next driver/chaser/leader, position in the race, selected tires, tire pressure and temperature, as well as indicators of pressure on the throttle pedal and brake pedal (maybe in one bar), and enabled ABS and traction control in the setting.

In addition to the dashboard these indicators will also help to display them on the car itself, as it happens everywhere in motorsport, for example in some GT series position indicators are displayed on the windshield, or in drift competitions pedal indicators are also displayed on the windshield.

Also lockup indicators lights to tell you what corner(s) are locking up slightly/fully under braking. Really helpful in cars without ABS like modern GTP cars
S3 licensed
Quote from CozmicDragon :Which, if I'm honest, felt like a decision Scawen made out of desperation (because the pirate servers were a major issue back then). It's not the ideal solution by any means, but it's the one that worked. No local servers, no piracy.

But the LFS master server won't last forever, either. And once it's gone, so are all the mods that were uploaded, too, since all of that is dependant on the master server. While you can technically still make offline mods with the editor since the testing function does let you store mods offline, you can't even unlock the game without the master server. What happens then?

LFS is a great game, but I'm worried about its future, if Scawen even intends for it to have one once the master server inevitably dies for good.

I mean I would hope that if/when Scawen does choose to "wind down" LFS that things would be built to allow things to run independently

But at the same time nothing lasts forever. At least LFS will have had a multi-decade run rather than modern AAA studios which will shut game servers down after 5 years
S3 licensed
Quote from Fojete :Hello, we enjoy with my son racing one against the other.

We use version 0.6V3 becouse it permits us, to use the same and unique license. Now, I've purchased the upgrade to S3 License (from S2), to get the option of use mods, but i can´t use it in this version of LFS.

Are ther any way to use the mods, playing 2 persons with the same license ?? (as we did with S2 license and local server).


No. The move to no local dedicated servers for mods was intended to prevent the pirated LFS master servers from using Scawen's hard work.

You can create servers for free but you'd need separate licenses
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I completely agree, I don’t see the point of having different brands of tires in LFS. It would be reasonable if these brands have different treadwear.

Mod cars just need to have a bit more input into their own tyre properties (assuming it's possible in Scawen's physics model). The different brands are nice just for visual variety (although also unrealistic as almost all series are "spec" tyres at this point)
S3 licensed
Also important to note that the compounds that LFS ships with are fairly generic. Like they're not shipping "drift" compounds or even oval compounds (in the case of the stock car mods).

Real life you have Goodyear bringing a different compound to nearly every track which will suit that tracks load and try to optimize the tyre to work its best (sometimes oo good becuase they have incredibly grippy rocks that never wear)
S3 licensed
You could potentially look to add dithering/noise to it to maybe reduce the effect of the compression?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :Is that not simply a matter of setting brake/throttle to "seperate" instead of "combined"?
The fourth option in your screenshot.

Only when used with XInput does the Xbox Controller report its triggers as separate axis.

With DirectInput (what LFS uses), it's a combined single axis.

Most games work around this by implementing XInput solely for Xbox Controller (and then DirectInput for every other input device).
S3 licensed
eh it depends on what your connection path is with the VPN. Some VPNs can improve ping by using a more optimal/less congested route for traffic
S3 licensed
Scawen would need to implement XInput for control inputs along side directinput.

Probably not a huge priority as it would genuinely only apply to Xbox Controller as there's few other devices that would use XInput over DirectInput.

There is a more modern Microsoft input API as well called GameInput but I don't think it's really been battle tested. It was secretly deployed as a Windows update 6~ months ago and wrecked havoc becuase both device drivers and games weren't expecting it and it would hijack things like FFB from the game on window focus change and the best way to fix it was to disable the Windows Service for GameInput Runtime. Currently it's also not yet available in Windows SDK, just the Xbox GDK (also available on Windows) which I'm sure Scawen doesn't want to link against.
S3 licensed
It's fixed in xinput (which pretty much exists just for Xbox Controllers) but XInput lacks a ton of features which LFS relies upon for input (like FFB).

Other sims implement both DirectInput and XInput and only use the latter for Xbox devices which is a reasonable solution to the issue.

For "compatibility reasons" though, Windows exposes the Xbox controller with combined triggers and many of those external apps basically just access the Xbox Controller as a XInput device and then proxy that back as a virtual DirectInput device.
S3 licensed
Is it possible perhaps to use a VPN to tunnel UDP?

Some ISP in EU has been having issues with UDP and so some iRacers have taken to using Proton VPN (even free tier) to bypass this.