The online racing simulator
car gets new tires when hitting "Space"
(9 posts, started )
car gets new tires when hitting "Space"
I don't know if somebody already mentioned this...

If you press the "reset car" key the car suddenly has brandnew tires!!
This could be used for cheating... If you hit space right before you go to pit you safe a few seconds because you don't have to change tires in the box!
It is just a Singleplayer issue. Not sure it is a bug though.
Mmmm i was about to say iv never been pleasured wit brand spankin new tyres on a reset during a MP race ...
Quote from Tweaker :It is just a Singleplayer issue. Not sure it is a bug though.

Yeah, in singple player mode car reset will fix all your damage and give you new tyres (but it won't reset your fuel).
In multiplayer mode the reset just puts you back on track.
Y0, tis no wok 4 me!! Tis is stupid! . Just tried for 5th time, went
outside n my Bimmah ass still that sucky rubber i boutgh it with.

Ok ok, sorry, just had to.
omg... when I saw the title of this thread my head almost exploded.

i thought it was saying that pressing space reset your tires even in multiplayer... but of course its old news.:juggle:
Yeah, sorry. Haven't checked it in multiplayer.

"Everybody move on! Nothing to see here!"
I think it occurs in single-player for the benefit of the AI (AI Repair). Has anyone added AI to a MP server to see what they do with damage?
Quote from tristancliffe :I think it occurs in single-player for the benefit of the AI (AI Repair). Has anyone added AI to a MP server to see what they do with damage?

Interesting question, I'll try this right now

EDIT: They do not reset their cars. So they try their best to race with damage

car gets new tires when hitting "Space"
(9 posts, started )