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S3 licensed
Checked LFS Manual in other languages, all working, except these (these have a blank main page):EDIT: (tried on If logged in, the main page is correct and not blank, if I log out, it's blank again.)
EDIT2: All sites repaired.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkKostas :I just noticed that! Happens only on RB4 and only at Garage(and entry screen)

Same as Whiskey, no problems here.
S3 licensed
[Probably not DX9/Rift related]
Today I was racing with Eza on GTR (with E14) when I lost the connection. Checked chat history and got a new (at least for me) error, check the picture. What's this?
S3 licensed
Quote from Specht77 :I just noticed that the mirror AA don't work @ windowed mode here

It works for me in windowed mode. Check the pictures.
S3 licensed
Hm.. not a server opened directly from a 0.6E14 client?
S3 licensed
Grr... my bad. I thought I did something wrong and the problem is at my side, but I have been struggling with it for hours now and must ask... Yes, I had /mode=S1 deliberately, because I was 100% sure that UF1 is an S1 car... Facepalm. Sorry guys.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Sorry for the bump, but I have a problem with the DCON. Maybe it's just my fault, but I can't get it working.
When I set /cars=UF1 in setup.cfg, the DCON starts with the following message: At least one car model must be allowed. UF1 is not a car?!
/cars=GTR, not working. /cars=UFR, not working. /cars=LX4, working.
If I set /cars=ALL, it works like a charm.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
AAed mirrors working great!
S3 licensed
Right, a benchmark tool (that uploads 'official' / 'validated' results to ex. LFSWorld) would be a useful, great addition, but I think that's not the most important thing at the moment (just my opinion :shy.
BTW, yesterday and today did some races on cargame using E13, no problems so far.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
There is a bug in Ai's path, they go in the sidewall, see my video. SO1 Classic, probably this one can be fixed easily.
S3 licensed
I can confirm this, MSAA is OK, Adaptive MSAA causes objects to be invisible, SSAA is OK. Check the pictures. Used the same track as Nilex. My driver packaging version: 9.002-120928m-149042C-ATI, catalyst version: 12.10, Direct3D driver version:
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bigbob1993 :Maybe your CPU does not catch up with your GPU . O have the same problem.

Yes, probably. I've noticed this on other games, too.

Btw... what is this? I don't remember this "bug" or what is it. If this is known one, sorry. Check the attached picture (resized by 80%, so I can upload it).
S3 licensed
Did a benchmark (do not laugh on the framerates, just check the difference . And yep, as you can see, there is a lower avg fps):
2014-01-20 21:37:31 - LFS
Frames: 1877 - Time: 108186ms - Avg: 17.349 - Min: 10 - Max: 25

2014-01-20 21:40:38 - LFS_6E12
Frames: 1813 - Time: 108140ms - Avg: 16.765 - Min: 10 - Max: 24

Maybe it's the max performance I can achieve on this config.
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
A small feedback:
- When I start the exe, my mouse sticks to the left-upper corner of the screen. It should stay where I left it, nope? Or at least centered?
- The exit screen (credits) has no background, only a black one.

(see my spec in my sig.)
(my GPU is DirectX 10.1)

EDIT: Just tried, all of the test versions did the mouse thing (from E6 to E12)
EDIT2: Added a pic of the rolling credits screen having no bkg.
Last edited by MandulAA, . Reason : edit
S3 licensed
No major changes in visuals, that's right, but it's always great to hear some updates, isn't it?
S3 licensed
My trial server expired today. First of all, thanks for the oppurtunity.
On the beginning there were problems getting Airio on the server, but you guys did it in 1-2 days, so that's not a problem now. It was very stable, the web remote control interface is great, understandable with many functions. Maybe I'll become one of your customers during the year.
Great service!
S3 licensed
Thanks for this, great review.
S3 licensed
I'm interested!
S3 licensed
Right Zipppy. You could try opening the Catalyst, search for the Switchable Graphics menu, add LFS to that list, and make sure the high performance graphics are selected. Don't forget to apply it the new settings.

Picture (if it helps): ... c/images/79/c02911242.jpg
S3 licensed
Welcome to S2! I paid with PayPal and got it instantly.
S3 licensed
No, thanks. Forget this.
S3 licensed
4 months ago I've changed my controller: Before that I used joystick (for 4-5 years). I was quite good with it. When I changed to a steering wheel, first weeks I really went from wall to wall. I've raced (at least tried to) almost every day, and this week: a new PB with XFG on BL1. I was quite happy. Enjoying racing nowadays!
Just try, try again, practice practice and practice. Good luck!
S3 licensed
Carlos Intelligence lvl 999
S3 licensed
Quote from Maelstrom :...
I tried several times and the crash happened everytime.
1- I 'm in a race
2- I press escape button and I click on the "End Race " box
3 - I'm back to the menu and I press the "track" box
4 - I select another track then I press the "Ok" box. (if I don't change the track the game doesn't crash)
5 - Game crashes and I'm back to desktop

Tried this in 0.6E6 in 3D mode, and it crashed for me, too. Thanks for fixing this, Scawen.